Ready to get HOT leads with an online quiz?!

Join the challenge now!


  • Identify the PERFECT quiz for your business.
  • Learn the three secrets of a high converting quiz that people actually want to take.
  • Learn the strategy I used to automate tens of thousands of dollars in sales.
  • Finally discover a strategy that will make marketing FUN for you AND your audience!
  • Learn how I get open rates of over 70% thanks to ONE small thing.

"Kirsten does incredible work when it comes to creating THE PERFECT quiz.

Collaborating with her was equal parts inspiring and mesmerizing, as she left me wondering how she understands my clients as well as I do.

Kirsten is dedicated to her customers and never stops short of perfection. If you are looking for a new way to generate leads and have been intrigued by quizzes, I highly recommend partnering with Kirsten."